一、若您的統一證號已變更,為不影響您的權益及節省您寶貴時間,您可至本公司官方網站/保戶服務/契約變更服務,下載列印「保險契約內容變更申請書」,填妥資料並檢附新式統一證號之證件影印本,以郵寄方式寄送至本公 司辦理變更。
二、內政部移民署全球資訊網已建置「新式外來人口統一證號專區」,相關資訊可於該專區查閱,如有金融諮詢外 之相關問題,可請您撥打移民署各服務站電話、「1996內政服務熱線」及「外來人士在臺生活諮詢服務熱線(0800-024-111)」。
Dear customers,
Please be informed that in response to the Replacement and Issuance of Foreigner’s New UI No. by the Ministry of the Interior since January 2021, we will carry out the information change process as follows:
1.If you have received a new UI Number, to protect your rights and interests as well as save your precious time, please download and print the “Application Form for Change of Content of Insurance Contract” from our official website/customer services/policy change services, fill in the information, attach a photocopy of your new UI No. identification documents, and send such documents to our company for the new UI No. change.
2.The Ministry of the Interior National Immigration Agency website has built “New UI No. Format for Foreign Nationals” section for your convenience to search for relevant information. If you have any questions other than financial services, please call National Immigration Agency, 1996 Ministry of the Interior hotline, or Foreigners In Taiwan Hotline(0800-024-111).
3.If you have any questions, please feel free to contact the client service hotline by calling 0800-033-133, and our dedicated service professionals will be delighted to assist you.